Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Cup of Water

I have been reading a lot of "weary Mom" blog posts lately. They are so good.

They are so...true. Mommy work is never done. Mommies are tired, because they are super-vigilant. Mommies don't hear very many {unprompted} "Thank you's" Stay-at-home Mommies don't get very much credit from the world. Some Mommies don't get very much support from friends, parents or even their husbands. A Mommy house is often cluttered with toys, laundry and dishes. Freezer meal boxes lay out on the counter all day. 

Exhaustion. Should I even go there? Being a Mommy is exhausting.

 But the good news is: We are needed. We are loved. We are important. So important. We are shaping little lives that will shape the future. Our little tiny people we work so hard to teach and train and love are the future.

All these blogs are such a balm to my heart and soul. They give me the strength to keep going and going and going. And going.

But...I do think there is something missing in them. Do you know the real reason our work is so important?

We work, not just for our husbands. Not just for our children. Not just for the future.

We work for Jesus.

Jesus said "If you give a cup of cold water in My name, you are doing it for ME." The cups of water we give to our children are countless. And that is only a tiny part of being a Mommy.

I believe every thing we do for our children, through the love of Jesus, is being done to Him. We are serving Jesus every day of our lives, every minute of our day, when we care for our children. Perhaps even when we wash their faces and put lotion on soft, baby skin it is a reflection of Mary, washing Jesus' feet and anointing him with oil. Is that too radical of a statement? I don't think so. Children are so close to the heart of Jesus.

Mommies...It doesn't get any better than that. There is so much joy and purpose in this wonderful journey.

So go...give your children ever ounce of love and strength that you have today, because you are doing it for Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. So much like the thoughts that have been going through my mind these last few days! Maybe that's why we burn out so quickly sometimes...because we don't do it for Him. :)
