Monday, April 13, 2015

Iced Coffe {AKA Java Coolers}

Does anyone remember Java Coolers? I think maybe it came out at the beginning of the Iced Coffee Craze. Or maybe Iced Coffee has been in for decades and I just never realized it until I was around 13 when we found our first bottle of Java Coolers at a little Amish Bent and Dent store. Up to then my main coffee experience was drinking Dad's coffee after it got cold when I was...well at least a little younger than 13. {bleh!} 

Anyway, I remember us kids thought Java Coolers was the most awesome drink ever invented. It came in a bottle like Hershey syrup, but it was coffee flavored. And it made us feel really cool to drink it. I tried finding a picture of it but it must be totally outdated, because this is what I found:

Getting back on track...I had totally forgot about it until I found a recipe for an Iced Coffee concentrate Virgil had gotten from someone before we got married. When I drank the first glass I immediately felt like I was 13 again, back on our farm with bare feet in the hot Missouri sun. It was a whole rush of nostalgia, even though it took me a while to figure out why. And then I remembered Java Coolers. And now I'm going to quite rambling and just give you the recipe, in honor of the fact that Summer or at least Spring might be around the corner. :)

Iced Coffee Concentrate

2 cups Boiling Water
1 cup Instant Coffee
1/2 cup Maple/Pancake Syrup
1 cup Sugar
2 teaspoons Vanilla

Just mix it together, put a a tablespoon or 2 in a glass and add milk and ice to taste.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Resurrection Cookies

One of my favorite Easter memories is making Easter Resurrection Cookies. I am so glad Dad and Mom started this tradition with us. It is such a good way to "bring the Easter story home" to little - and not so little - minds. Mom would usually direct the mixing while Dad read the corresponding Bible stories. We can't wait to start making these with our kids when they are old enough!

To make the cookies you will need

  • A mixer
  • 1 cup of whole pecans
  • 1 tsp. vinegar 
  • 3 egg whites 
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 scant cup of sugar
  • a gallon zip lock bag
  • wooden spoon
  • tape
  • Bible 
Preheat your oven to 300 degrees. 

Put the pecans in the zip lock bag and have your children take turns beating them with a wooden spoon while you read John 19:1-3. Explain how Jesus was arrested and beaten by soldiers.

When Jesus was on the cross he was thirsty, but was only given vinegar to drink. Have each of you children dip their fingers in the vinegar and taste it while you read John 19:28-30. Put the vinegar in the mixing bowl.

Eggs represent life. Jesus gave his life so we can have eternal life. Read John 10:10-11 and add the egg whites to the vinegar. 

Salt represents the bitterness of our sin and the tears of Jesus's followers when He was crucified. Let each of your children taste the salt before you add it to the bowl. Read Luke 23:27.

The sweet part of the story is that Jesus died for our sins so we can have eternal LIFE with Him! Read Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16 and add the sugar. 

Beat the egg whites on high until peaks form, about 12-15 minutes. Just like the beaten egg whites are pure white, our hearts are white in the sight of God because Jesus has cleansed us from sin. Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3.

Fold the pecans in by hand.

Drop by spoonfuls onto a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Each mound represents the rocky tomb were Jesus was buried. Read Matthew 27:57-60. 

Put the cookies in the oven and turn it off. Seal the oven door with tape, just like the tomb was sealed. We used to put so much tape on we had to cut it open. But one small piece of tape for each person works just as good. :) Read Matthew 27:65-66. 

Now go to bed! It is sad to leave the cookies in the oven all night - Jesus' followers were so sad when he was killed! Read John 16:20 & 22.

In the morning open the oven and give everyone a cookie. When they take a bite and see that they are hollow inside talk about the empty tomb. The friends of Jesus were amazed to discover Jesus is alive!! Read Matthew 28:1-9. 

Share the cookies with friends and have your children share their meaning with kids if they are old enough.

Jesus is alive!!!