Tuesday, November 11, 2014

It's Ok To Be THAT Mom.

I just want to take a shower in peace. Before the sentence had even fully formed in mind I was trying to erase it. "No! Don't think that! Don't be that Mom." 

Because when I used to hear Mom's say that I would think "But being a Mom is a calling - a very special calling - from God himself! How can you think you need a break from it? Why aren't you just enjoying every second of it?" I determined in my heart I would never allow myself to start thinking that way.

So I purposed to enjoy ever bit of Mommyhood. I enjoyed deciding what to feed the kids. I enjoyed picking out their clothes. I enjoyed making sure they got their vitamins. I enjoyed singing with them. I enjoyed teaching Jakki how to do little chores. I smiled when I cleaned up a mess because I know I am lucky to have children and be able to take care of them all day long. I smiled when they interrupted my work and my "me" time. And I even smiled when little voices called through the shower curtain. 

I love being a Mommy. So why would that thought find it's way into my mind? I didn't like it. It made me feel guilty. It made me feel like a bad Mom. It made me feel selfish. 

But then in the midst of all the guilty feelings I felt God telling me that it's ok for Mommy's to want a little time to refuel. It means that we are functioning just like we're supposed to. We are pouring our heart and soul into these little people. Just like a car needs to refuel after a while, so we need to stop and refresh ourselves every now and then. We need to take some time to rest our mind and let God refill our love tank to pour out again. 

So Mommies, tomorrow...

Cuddle your little ones when they wake up.

Feed them breakfast.

Comb hair, find clothes.

Read books.

Wash dishes.

Clean the floor.

Play peek-a-boo.

Fold another load of laundry.

Make lunch.

Fix another bottle.

Plan supper.

Color another picture in the coloring book.

Read another story.

Sing another song.

And lots more in between.

And if you need 30 minutes to take a long hot shower every now and then after Daddy comes in, savor it. Don't feel guilty. Open yourself up to rest and peace from Jesus and let Him fill you up to do it again. It's ok to be that Mom. <3

Saturday, October 25, 2014

My Favorite Books

I love books. I absolutely adore a good story. True stories, fictional history and a good medieval type tale are some of my favorites. I can get so wrapped up in a book I'm reading that when I glance out the window after a story I'm surprised to not see snow on the ground if the book was about Christmas. I have almost had to look twice when I look out and see the highway full of cars after reading a story from a couple hundred years ago.

Books have done so much to inspire me and help me grow and change in my personal life. I never like to not be in the middle of some good read. So I thought I would share some of my favorite books here and I hope everyone that read this will share their favorite books in a comment so that I can have some new books to look up. :) 

Here are a few of my favorites {in no particular order} and why I like them. I hope you will find some new books for these rainy fall days!

The War for Mansoul: 
I think some of the best books are old books, and this one has been around for a very long time! It was originally written by John Bunyan and called "The Holy War" It has been rewritten by Ethel Barret and is absolutely wonderful! It is an allegory of the battle for our souls in the spiritual realm. "Mansoul" is a town portraying man and is run by Lord Mayor Understanding with the help of Will be Will and Lord Conscience. The story is intriguing, convicting, eye-opening and humorous. It's a very easy read and would be a great book to read to your kids.

The Kingdom Series and the Knights of Arrethtrae Series: 
Knights, ladies, evil lords and a call to take up arms for the King of Kings! These series are amazing. The Kingdom Series is an allegory of the Bible and the Knights of Arrethtrae is a series of allegories pertaining to the Christian life and the battle between the angels of light and the angels of darkness.  The Knights of Arrethtrae are definitely my favorite of the two as they are easy to apply to my personal life. The best part of these books...they're fully dramatized. Perfect for road trips!

Stepping Heavenward: 
This is another old book, written by Elizabeth Prentiss. Stepping Heavenward is the journal of a young girl and it chronicles her struggle to make Jesus the center of her life in a very real way. It has had me crying through one journal entry and laughing at the next. The author "Kate" is very obviously an outgoing "sanguine" person and her ups and downs with friends, family, marriage and children are so true to life. I have lost count of how many times I have read this. I may or may not have claimed Mom's copy of it. ;)

The Jerusalem Chronicles: 
I don't like a lot of the Biblical novels that are out there, but I do love the ones by Bodie and Brock Thoene. The Jerusalem Chronicles is a new series they are working on, with only 2 books out so far. I have only read the first one When Jesus Wept. They portray all the characters in such a real way, not nearly as stereotypical as many Bible novels are. They also have a series out called "A.D. Chronicles" and I love those, but there is a lot more gruesome details in those books and they can be a little bit hard to read.

Kisses From Katie:
If you want to read about someone applying themselves to Jesus in a very real way read this book. It is written in such a captivating way and the author makes herself very vulnerable in a sweet way by sharing bits of her actual journal at the end of every chapter. Katie Davis gave up her entire life for the African people while she was still a teenager. One of my favorite parts is how she was in the process of adopting 13 girls by the time she was 21. This book is popular right now for a reason!

Safely Home:
This is a very well written novel about Christians in modern day China. It's a very hard book to put down! Ben Fielding and Li Quan were college roommates in the States. Ben was the strong Christian and Quan the atheistic skeptic. 20 years later they reunite in China and find their roles have switched. Ben quickly learns that things in the large oriental country are not as they seem on the surface.

When A Man's A Man:
I love this book! Harold Bell Wright is one of my all-time favorite authors. This is the story of a mysterious and determined "greenhorn" {Patches} who becomes an all around cowboy on a ranch and learns what it means to be a true man on the way. If you like the wild west, suspense and interesting characters you will love this book! 

So here are 7 of my favorites books and series. My top 10 books list switches around quite a bit but these books have always been on it. Now, your turn to share your favorites with me! :)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Honor the Daddies

Our husband. We honor him with our words. Our support. Our submission.

But how often we forget to honor him with our appearance. Especially when we become Mommies. You know, like on one of those stay-in-our-pjs-don't-look-in-the-mirror-days. The days after a night we were awake more than we were asleep. They happen. Sometimes a lot.

A friend has been such an inspiration to me in this area of my life and it's just too good not to share. {She should clearly be the one writing this ~ you know who you are. Go start a blog now. :) }

Why is it so easy to dress our kids "to the hilt" so we have little angels to look at all day, and then avoid the mirror ourselves? Maybe this isn't something most people do. Maybe it's just a few of us. But whatever the case, our husbands definitely deserve to the effort it takes for us to make ourselves beautiful for them.

So this is a challenge, and encouragement, a suggestion, whatever you want to call it to start focusing on you a little more. Because, you know, I think we Mommies can actually become selfish. We want our little ones to look nice for us. We don't care as much how we look for the love of our life. And he deserves the little extra effort it might take to show him we still care about what he thinks. 

So, next time your shopping and you see that adorable little outfit or pair of shoes that your little munchkin really doesn't need but you'll buy anyway, put it down. Go to the women's section. Buy a new shirt, a new accessory, some make-up, or whatever will make you feel beautiful. Go home and put it on, pretty yourself up for your munchkin's Daddy. 

 Make him feel special. 

And then chances are, he'll make you feel special. 

Honor your little one's Daddy with your physical beauty as well as with your inner beauty.

Every day.

It's so worth it. <3

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I wish I had...

There are a few things I wish I would've done before we had baby #2.

 And I probably didn't think of them because:

a. I've never had to take care of a baby and a toddler before

b. Pregnancy brain {I think I get a double  dose.}

Probably mostly {b}. ;)

But since I have several friends that have a toddler and a baby on the way I thought I'd share my thoughts with you. Although most of you probably have it all together and will have smooth sailing.

So, the few things I wish I would've/could've done:

  • Potty Train Jakki
Seriously, a few less diapers a day would save some time! IF she would be thoroughly potty trained, anyway. I had started potty training her, but then I had to go on bed-rest and it never got finished.

  • Planned Meals
It would've been so handy to have a list of at least 10 very simple meals written down, and the ingredients on hand to all of them once or twice. Since I didn't, Rice-a-Roni has become a very good friend of ours. Mrs. Stauffer's lasagna is pretty awesome too. :)

  • Organized Activities for Jakki

This is the big one. I love to involve her in what I'm doing as much as I can. But I am learning more and more that her little mind needs to get engaged in some kind of activity for her to be able to feel happy all day. It must really be growing and stretching and her busyness needs to be channeled.

And Kade and I are almost defenseless while I'm feeding him. And she likes to sit on top of him and give him kisses and suck her thumb. Because she loves him a whole lot. But I would like him to survive to be her bff. :)

So, if I would have it to do over again I would go buy a cute box, ziplock bags and little "crafts" or "activity" ingredients for her. Then when I needed to do something, or she needs something to do I could just stick her into the highchair {another Mommy best friend} and pick out a bag for her instead of wracking my brain and rummaging through my house for a new, mind-building activity for her.

If I would've done this, I would feel like a Supermom. Totally! Add some CDs of some good Kid's music and I would feel like a super Supermom. :)

It doesn't take much to keep her occupied...a highchair, some buttons and an empty wipes container kept her going for a very long time. And she asks for it again every day. I'm hoping she doesn't get tired of it before I can get some other projects lined up.

Love that look of concentration! :)

I tried playdough...It took a lot of involvement on my part to keep her interested. Maybe when she's older...

She was super unimpressed with the taste of playdough. Lol

She finally got into it when I made snowmen for her.

And she like looking for the buttons I hid in little balls of dough.

Another thing I really like for her is the Scribble and Write by LeapFrog. I don't let her play with it a lot, but I think it's going to be a great way for her to learn the alphabet! :) You can get one here: http://www.amazon.com/LeapFrog-19139-Scribble-and-Write/dp/B001W2WKS0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1397014706&sr=8-1&keywords=leap+frog+scribble+and+write

A no spill bubble bucket and a closed in porch or yard is great, sidewalk chalk, a coloring book, or tablet and crayons and a wooden doll with magnetic clothes all seem to work pretty good or are on my to-do list for Jakki.

If I would've had all this stuff together before the baby was born, maybe I could've kept to my goal of never getting flustered because I now have 2 little people in my care. ;) Overall it has been pretty easy though...and totally worth it!!!

So...a super practical post, that probably has info in it that everybody already thought of. :) But it was fun to write! If anybody has some other good ideas I'd love to hear them.

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Mommy Identity

Mommy. This word has suddenly taken on a new identity with me. Before Kade came being a Mommy was all things pink and purple and hair-bows and dollies. And keeping Jakki out of the loft, off the top of the couch, the top of the table - off the top of everything in the house and in her sight. ;) It was having a tea party for the first time and cuddling with a book before nap-time. 

And it's still all that. It's also triple the diapers, double the baths, extra cuddle time and laundry on the couch. It's deciding which munchkin to comfort first when they're both crying. All you Mommies out there know all about it. 

But it's so much more. It's being needed. It's Virgil and I being the center of life for 2 little people. It's little sacrifices every day to keep their life normal and happy. It's the overwhelming, but God-given task of beginning to point 2 little souls to Jesus. 

In short, it's being to Jakki and Kade what Jesus wants to be to me. Everything.

How much I can learn from my little kids before they're even two! To run to Jesus with every happy thing, every hurt, every need. To be confident that He can take care of it for me. To learn that I don't have to worry, only ask Him to help me. 

Everything we're trying to train into our little children is what God, in some way or another, is longing for us to learn in relationship to Him.

So Mommies, there is glory in Mommyhood. We have the amazing responsibility of showing our little ones what Jesus is to us, what He can be to them. There is a joy in the sacrifices, the meals that get cold, the speedy showers, the late night feedings, the extra laundry, the tiredness. There is so much joy in the hugs, cuddles, kisses and new discoveries. Let's embrace our identity of being Mommy. It's a beautiful, beautiful gift.

Monday, January 6, 2014

And This I Pray

"We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers..."
{1 Thessalonians 1:2}

I always knew God reveals His heart for us in the Bible - in so many ways it is like a very personal letter He has written to us, longing for us to reach out and accept everything that He has given us. But I often struggle to just reach out and make His promises personal to my life. Then recently I really started paying attention to the prayers in the New Testament, the epistles of Paul especially. And there it is! If you ever wonder what God wants for you in your spiritual life, read these verses:

"Wherefore I also..cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him: the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His power..."
{Ephesians 1:15-19}

"And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgement; that you may approve things that are excellent; that you may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God."
{Phillipians 1:9-11}

"For this cause we also...do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness."
{Colossians 1:9-11}

And 2 Thessalonians 1 has another beautiful prayer. I love these! This is the inspired word of God, being prayed for believers by God's servant. This is God's heart for us! And these are prayers we can pray for our husband, our children, our friends. These prayers are not the ordinary "bless him, prosper them, be with them, comfort her" prayers. Paul is asking God to reveal Himself, His wisdom, His knowledge, His Power and His glory in and through His believers. These prayers - they're powerful.