Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Life is Rich is so full, so rich. It has amazed me so much the last while. Maybe because it snowed and snow always fills me with wonder. Or maybe because I know God is creating a tiny little person inside of me, and I never get over the awe of that thought.Or maybe God's just filling my heart with it lately.

But we truly, truly have so much to fill our lives with beauty. A toddler discovering snow. a child sparkly eyes over a hot chocolate mug. The hug of a friend after a chat and cup of coffee. The smiles of people as you shop with your child. Holding hands with the man you love. Soup simmering on the stove. And there's so much more.

And as each of these little moments pass, and I want to freeze them for just a bit longer, in the back of my mind I have to think of all the people who could benefit from just such a moment. A little reminder that God is Love. That "every good and every perfect gift is from above." 

And in that moment I can choose to keep making sure my life is "perfect" for me, or I can invite someone to come blend their lives with mine, even for just a moment. Even if it changes the perfect color of my day. Even if it means the last load of laundry won't get folded, and my house is no longer perfect. Even if it means going out for coffee when I think I should be scrubbing the floor so I look like I have everything together when someone walks through the door. God has so much more in life for us than that! Sharing our lives with others is one of His gifts to us.

Life is rich. Stop to feel it, taste it and share it. <3