"...and he called his ten servants, and delivered to them ten pounds, and said to them, 'Occupy till I come.'" {Luke 19:13}
There is so much uncertainty in our world right now. We all know that. And uncertainty can bring so much fear with it that it can seem overwhelming when we dwell on it for any length of time.
I was really struggling with some of this a few weeks ago, and finally brought it up while Virgil and I were talking over the different things that were happening in our world and the signs of the end times, etc. So many things seem to be pointing towards no freedom for us as Christians, etc I asked him a question that had been lurking in the back of my mind for a while. "Think of all the things our children will have to face in their lifetimes. Is it even right to bring more people into a world like this? Is it right to build up a business?" His answer brought me more peace than I thought a single sentence could, and I keep coming back to it, every time the fears threaten to come back up.
He said, "the way I look at it is this. Jesus said 'Occupy till I come.' and I think that applies to every area of our life - business, family, and serving God." He had more to say, but that one thought - what peace it brings with it! Jesus has it all under control. We just have to keep serving Him!
That statement is found in Luke 19:13, in the parable of the talents, and if you read it, the whole parable fits the context perfectly, I think. So let's allow Jesus to bring peace to our hearts through His word.